Lawn Disease (fungus)

How We Deal With Disease

Turfgrass diseases can cause severe damage if left untreated.

Signs & Symptoms

🔍 Common Symptoms:

  • Rings, Arches, or Crescents of Damaged Truf.

  • Circular-shaped Areas of Suppressed Growth

  • Warm Color Grass Blades

  • Small Brown Leaf Spots

🌡 Ideal Conditions for Development:

  • Daytime temperatures between 65-85°F 

  • High Humidity and Rainy Periods.

🌿 Contributing Factors:

  • Excessive Thatch

  • Compounding Stress from:

    • improper mowing habits

    • drought stress

    • lack of sunlight

Common Fungal Types

Fairy Ring alters soil conditions, creating expanding rings that indirectly weaken or kill grass.

  • Large Patch thrives in cool, wet conditions, attacking turf in fall and spring, with symptoms most visible during green-up.

  • Gray Leaf Spot primarily affects St. Augustine but also threatens other warm-season grasses.

  • Lawn Rust coats grass blades with distinctive orange spores, spreading quickly through foot traffic and mowing.

  • Spring Dead Spot targets bermudagrass, causing circular patches of dead turf that fail to recover in spring. Understanding these fungal threats is key to maintaining a healthy, resilient lawn. 🍃🍂


Moss Control


Lawn Pests