Fungal Agronomics


Our Fungal Agronomic Program consists of two treatments, one in Spring and one in Fall,  designed to preempt the establishment and/or proliferation of most lawn diseases such as Large Patch and Fairy Ring.

We time the applications based on soil temperatures at the beginning and end of the growing season, which tend to hover in a range prone to disease development in certain grass types, such as Zoysia and St. Augustine.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for most fungal issues, even when applying fungicide preventatively.

Despite preventative treatments, occasional small spot applications of fungicide are almost always required to fully control disease. As part of the Fungal Agronomic Program, all spot applications of fungicide are FREE.

    • FREE Spot Treatments. If we see it, we treat it.

    • Moisture Manager Included (great for fairy ring)

    • University studied and proven methods of fungal management

    1. Centipede, while the rarest grass type, it is the most fungal-prone.

    2. St. Augustine is relatively uncommon but can be very susceptible to disease.

    3. Zoysia, depending on conditions and cultural practices, can be just as disease-prone as Centipede and St. Aug.

    • Warm colors in large 3 - 10' circular depressions in the turf grass.

    • Fairy Ring will present with large 3-10' circular rings in lawn, often bare to the dirt with green grass in the center.

    • Dollar spot looks almost like leopard print and is most common in bermuda

    • Aeration reduces stress and improves the flow of oxygen.

    • Fix Drainage Issues, flowing or standing water is the enemy of healthy grass.

    • Proper Irrigation, to little and the grass is stressed and weakened, to much and it prolongs disease prone conditions.

    • Proper Mowing Practices, height and frequency are two important variables that need to be addressed according to your grass type.

  • There are two downsides to Preventative control:

    1. Price. It is substantially more expensive because fungicides are among the more expensive products, and we are applying indiscriminately over the entire property, which uses much more product than spot treatments.

    2. While the fungicides we use are not organic they are selective and only kill a targeted group of fungal pathogens and spare beneficial fungi.

  • Clients not covered by the fungal prevention treatments wil be protected by our “Pre-Approval Policy.”

    • Our Pre-Approval Policy ensures timely and cost-effective care for your lawn. By default, spot treatments for fungus are pre-approved, allowing immediate treatment during our visit to minimize damage and expenses.

    • If you wish to opt out, notify our office, but please note this may increase costs due to additional visits and approval delays. This policy is designed to protect your lawn's health and save you money.

    Cons of Spot Treatments Only: Loss of Key Benfits listed above.

Get The Most Out Of Fungal Agro with…

Core Aeration

Irrigation Optimization

Organic Superfood Jumpstart

This lawn used to have severe fungal issues.