Soil Lab Testing & pH Modifiers

We've partnered with Auburn University and the University of Florida to provide every Natural State Lawn Program client with lab-quality soil analysis and custom recommendations.

Every customer on The Natural State Lawn Program will have samples taken during the last treatment each season, allowing us to monitor progress and make scientifically backed custom recommendations.

  • Balanced soil properties, such as optimal pH, and sufficient organic matter, are essential for nutrient availability. Imbalances, like extreme pH, can cause nutrient deficiencies or toxicities, impacting plant health.

    Plants need both macronutrients and micronutrients for optimal growth. Our lab's in-depth soil analysis identifies soil properties and nutrient levels, providing insights into how these components interact to support healthy crop growth.

  • We rely on lab testing for precise and comprehensive results, as it provides far more data than just pH. Hand-held meters and probes, unfortunately, lack this accuracy and can fail to distinguish between samples with a difference of more than 2.0 pH units. On a 1-14 scale, where most readings fall between 5 and 7, a 2-unit error is extremely significant.

  • Effective soil management hinges on understanding key soil properties, which influence nutrient availability and plant uptake.

    • Soil pH & Buffer pH:

      Indicates soil acidity or alkalinity, affecting nutrient availability.

    • Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC):

      Measures the soil's ability to hold and exchange nutrients.

    • Organic Matter (OM):

      Essential for soil structure and nutrient supply.

    • Estimated Nitrogen Release (ENR):

      Estimates nitrogen potentially released from organic matter ratings.

  • Macronutrients

    Needed in larger quantities, which are divided into two groups:

    • Primary:

      Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P), and Potassium (K). Required in the highest concentrations, often the first to be depleted in the soil. Fertilization is always needed for one or more nutrients.

    • Secondary:

      Calcium (Ca), and Magnesium (Mg). Although essential, these are usually needed in lower quantities than primary macronutrients. Usually sufficient in soil, so fertilization is not always needed


    Essential for plant development and growth but are needed only in trace amounts. These include Boron (B), Copper (Cu), Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), and Zinc (Zn). Despite their low required quantities, they are vital for healthy plant growth.

    pH Modifiers

    pH recommendations ensure a balanced soil environment for optimal crop growth. pH modifiers adjust levels up or down as needed, improving nutrient availability and absorption.

  • We use detailed soil analysis and lab-identified amendments to create personalized treatment recommendations to your lawn's unique needs. By combining scientific insights with our expert products and services, we ensure every detail is covered to help your lawn reach its full potential.

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