Gray Leaf Spot
What is Gray Leaf Spot?
Gray leaf spot is a fungal disease caused by Pyricularia grisea. It primarily affects St. Augustine but is also found in Bermudagrass, centipedegrass, and zoysia.
When & How Does it Occur?
🌡 Ideal Conditions:
Daytime temperatures between 75-95°F and nighttime temperatures above 65°F.
Most severe during humid, rainy periods.
🌿 How it Spreads:
The fungus survives in thatch and dead foliage during dry conditions.
Spores spread via wind, rainfall, irrigation, and lawn equipment when moisture levels rise.
What to Look For
🔍 Early Symptoms:
Small, brown leaf spots that quickly expand.
Spots become oval, tan, and gray with brown or purple borders.
Some may have a yellow halo or cause general leaf yellowing.
⚠️ Advanced Disease Symptoms:
In humid conditions, a grayish fungal growth appears on dying foliage.
Grass blades wither and die if too many spots form.
Large turf areas may look scorched, resembling drought stress.
Management Strategies
✅ Mowing & Lawn Care:
Mow at the correct height and only when the grass is dry.
Sharpen mower blades to prevent additional stress.
Bag & dispose of clippings if the disease is present.
✅ Improving Lawn Health:
Reduce thatch buildup.
Aerate to improve airflow and soil circulation.
Limb up overhanging trees and prune shrubs to increase sunlight.
✅ Irrigation Best Practices:
Water deeply but infrequently (max 3x per week, totaling 1 inch of water).
Irrigate in the morning to allow quick drying and prevent fungal growth.
✅ Avoid These During Disease Activity:
Post-emergent weed killers (can stress the lawn further).
High nitrogen fertilizers (can fuel fungal growth).
📢 Early identification and proper lawn care are key to preventing severe outbreaks of Gray Leaf Spot!